An Assessment of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Company’s Reliability Process
Why Would I Need A Reliability Plan Assessment?
Our instructors can help you obtain an individual assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your company’s reliability process and implement a plan of action. A company that wishes to evolve to the level of having world class reliability may have no idea as to where to start or they may be stuck at an interim plateau. As in many other endeavors, we seek out the best examples of successful companies and pattern our activities to best replicate the ideal. No one company is the perfect example, however, a collection of the best reliability practices spanning the best companies does provide a picture of the ideal. Having established this picture of best practices, we then pursue the goal of making our company look and function “just like the ideal picture.” Sounds simple doesn’t it? Like many other things, this is much easier to say than it is to actually carry out. Someone needs to assemble the ideal picture, drawing from many industries over an extended period of time. Profound knowledge must always guide the implementation process.
Dr. Deming said it best in chapter three of his book entitled “Out Of The Crisis.” The following is an exact quote from Chapter three, “Diseases and Obstacles,” on page 143:
A Common Obstacle:
“Anyone that comes to try to help us must understand all about our business.”
“All evidence points to the fallacy of this supposition. Competent men in every position, if they are doing their best, know all that there is to know about their work except how to improve it. Help toward improvement can come only from some other kind of knowledge. Help may come from outside the company, combined with knowledge already possessed by people within the company but not being utilized.” Dr. Edwards Deming.
Reliability is a discipline that transcends any individual industry but can be optimized by drawing from the best of a diverse array of industries. The Reliability Program Plan Assessment is a 30 year collection of the best of the best across such industries as automotive, telecom, machine tools, electronics, computers, home appliance, and power tools.
The Reliability Program Plan Assessment is the type of help that many companies are looking for when internal resources are inadequate or when external revitalization is needed.
Making your company function like the “ideal picture” will require the following:
- Wanting and championing change with sincerity.
- Realizing that no single “silver bullet” will cure all ills.
- Understand the strategy and details contained in the ideal picture of best practices.
- Evaluating your strengths and weaknesses in execution of each step in the ideal picture as compared to other industries.
- Developing action plans for improvement in areas of weakness.
- This should function under the Plan – Do – Study – Act process.
- Institutionalize this as an on-going process so that it functions without the constant attention of outside consultants.
Call us at 303/ 655-3051 or send an email to: [email protected] to find out more!