Our Instructors

Bringing Out Your Best…Since 1978
Adam Bahret

Adam Bahret

Adam Bahret

Adam Bahret


Adam Bahret is the founder of Apex Ridge Consulting and a leading reliability expert who writes, speaks and coaches executive teams on reliability as a competitive edge. His reliability-culture change program has delivered millions in savings for clients while mitigating risk and forming a foundation for reliability-fueled growth and brand dominance. His clients range across multiple industry segments, including medical devices, robotics, semiconductor, aerospace, consumer, and automotive.

Adam works with technical teams to improve the design while mentoring leadership teams in adopting the processes, language, and behaviors to build a reliability culture. He also introduces key reliability metrics such as “time-to-reliability” that guide organizational thinking and build a robust reliability culture that’s the hallmark of dominant top-performing technology companies.

Adam is the author of four books on reliability engineering, The Perfect HALT Test, Improving Your Product’s Robustness (2024), Devastate The Competition, How To Take Market Share Through Robust Design (2023), Reliability Culture, How Leaders Build Organizations that Create Reliable Products (2021), and How Reliable is Your Product, 50 Ways to Improve Product Reliability (2nd Ed 2016).

Adam has deep technical expertise and over 25 years of experience in product development and reliability engineering. He has an MS in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University, is an ASQ nationally certified reliability engineer, and an international speaker on technology, leadership, and product development.

Albertyn Barnard

Albertyn Barnard

Instructor/Consultant (Outside The United States of America)
Albertyn Barnard

Albertyn Barnard

Instructor/Consultant (Outside The United States of America)

Albertyn Barnard received the degrees M Eng (Electronics) and M Eng (Engineering Management) from the University of Pretoria. He has provided consulting services in systems and reliability engineering to the defense, nuclear, aerospace and commercial industries since 1982. He provides training in reliability engineering to industry and at post-graduate level at the University of Pretoria. He has presented numerous technical papers at symposia, and won the Best Paper Award at the 2004 INCOSE SA conference (South Africa), as well as the Gold Award at the 2009 International Applied Reliability Symposium Europe (Spain).
He has been a member of the management committee of INCOSE SA for a number of years, served as President of INCOSE SA in 2008, and established the INCOSE Reliability Engineering Working Group in 2011. He is currently leading this working group, which focuses on reliability engineering from a systems engineering viewpoint.
His company, Lambda Consulting, specialises in reliability engineering activities applicable to the development phase of products, with emphasis on reliability analysis of electronic design and HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing). Lambda Consulting established the first commercial HALT laboratory in South Africa in 2008.

Consulting and Management
Reliability engineering management
Reliability programme development
Product failure investigation
Product Testing
Commercial HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing) laboratory

Reliability Analysis
Systems reliability analysis and modelling
Worst case circuit analysis
Component derating analysis
Design FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis)
Reliability Engineering Training Courses
Reliability for Electronic Designers
Reliability for Engineering Managers

Aldo Fucinari

Aldo Fucinari

Instructor/Consultant – HALT & HASS + Workshop, Mastering HALT & HASS
Aldo Fucinari

Aldo Fucinari

Instructor/Consultant – HALT & HASS + Workshop, Mastering HALT & HASS

Aldo Fucinari has over 42 years' experience in design validation testing, electrical engineering and environmental testing. He holds a BSCE degree in Computer Engineering and is an ASQ Certified Reliability Engineer. He has worked in various fields of engineering including reliability, verification and validation, process control, quality assurance, systems engineering, hardware, software QA and product development. He is currently a Principal Reliability Engineer with the reliability engineering team at Alcon Surgical R&D in Lake Forest California. He has previously been senior consultant for RapidDiscoverySystems.com environmental testing consultants where he worked with dozens of world class companies to implement design for reliability programs. The companies he worked with included bio-medical, computer, audio, aerospace, consumer electronics and automotive products.

At Seagate Aldo was part of the initial deployment of Seagate's Design for Six Sigma program where he received certification as a Master Black Belt in DFSS and a Black Belt in Six Sigma process and transactional process. He was an instructor in Six Sigma, Design for Manufacturability and Lean Engineering.

Aldo has long-term experience with suppliers and manufacturers that are equipped to do full HASS and HASA testing. He worked extensively with Dr. Gregg Hobbs to implement high volume HASS testing and HALT testing systems globally and has been a senior consultant and instructor for Hobbs Engineering for over 10 years. He is a senior member of ASQ and a member of the Lean Product and Process Development Exchange.

Laguna Hills, California
Carl Tarum

Carl Tarum

Carl Tarum

Carl Tarum


Carl Tarum is the founder and president of Bathtub Software LLC.  He is a trainer and consultant for Weibull Engineering.  His 34 years of automotive experience in hydraulic and electric steering systems included product development, reliability, innovation, and Functional Safety.  In 2018 he begin working full-time on Weibull Engineering training and software.

His first work with Weibull Engineering was developing the Critical Correlation Coefficient and p-value estimate as tools to estimate the goodness of fit for rank regression on Weibull and Log-Normal distributions.  He also developed equations and fit methods for mixtures of Weibull distributions, first available in YBath™ software. (Now a part of SuperSMITH®.)  Recently he presented a method to estimate missing data points when it is known that points are missing but not how many points are missing.  (For example, supplier ships parts in specification but doesn’t tell you how many parts were out of specification and scrapped.)  These features are in the SuperSMITH Software, which he maintains with Wes Fulton.

Carl has five patents, including two for Electric Power Steering handwheel position sensing that are in production.  He is a Design for Six Sigma Master Black Belt and a Six Sigma Black Belt.  Carl is a member of SAE and ASME.  He has a BSME from Montana State University and an MBA from the University of Michigan – Flint.

Dave Auda

Dave Auda

Dave Auda

Dave Auda


David Auda is a senior safety/reliability engineer who has over 40 years of interdisciplinary experience in a variety of industries, including but not limited to, aerospace, sensitized goods manufacture, instrument development, energy, medical devices, automotive and heavy equipment. David is an ASQ certified Reliability engineer and Quality Manager, an honors graduate of RIT with an undergraduate BSEE degree and masters level study in Applied Statistics and Reliability. David is an ASQ validated trainer and volunteer leader, a past chair of the ASQ Reliability Division. David has developed and delivered a variety of training topics that serve to enhance the skills of practitioners in all disciplines.

Deven Subramoney

Deven Subramoney

Consultant (Outside The United States of America)
Deven Subramoney

Deven Subramoney

Consultant (Outside The United States of America)

Deven Subramoney, Consultant, New Zealand

Deven Subramoney has over 30 years solid experience in the field of Reliability Engineering for multiple product development and manufacturing companies working both in South Africa and New Zealand. His experience covers a broad range of electrical, electronic and mechanical products. Deven has spearheaded the setup and growth of reliability functions at many companies focusing on the development of the reliability process, reliability engineering labs, engineers and integration into the business.

Deven’s extensive knowledge and experience with designing reliability functions and especially witnessing them mature over time, allows him to assist companies in developing effective reliability processes from ground up or thoroughly evaluate existing reliability functions making recommendations for improvements based on revealing areas of weaknesses and strengths.  Deven is a certified reliability professional CRP and reliability country councillor for NZ under ASQ.  BSc Electronics Princeton University and Senior member of ASQ Reliability division.

Deven can provide expertise for:

  • Reliability Integration.
  • Structuring a Reliability Program for new products or changes made to an existing product.
  • Components, subsystems and system Reliability Allocation.
  • Implementing Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT), Accelerated Life Testing (ALT), Degradation Analysis (DA), Reliability Demonstration Testing (RDT) and Physics of Failure (POF).
  • Developing profiles for Production Screens – Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) or Environmental Stress Screening (ESS).
  • Life Data Analysis which provides many benefits; such as, benchmarking against design prediction, predicting warranty returns (incurred warranty costs), planning warranty reserves and assessing effectiveness of design changes.
  • Training in Reliability Program Development, HALT & HASS, Accelerated Life Testing, Reliability Demonstration Testing, Reliability Statistics and Life Data Analysis.
Dr. Alec Feinberg

Dr. Alec Feinberg

Instructor/Consultant: Shock & Vibration, Practical Reliability Engineering for Industry, Physics of Failure Electronic and Mechanical Failure Modes and Models
Dr. Alec Feinberg

Dr. Alec Feinberg

Instructor/Consultant: Shock & Vibration, Practical Reliability Engineering for Industry, Physics of Failure Electronic and Mechanical Failure Modes and Models

Author: Design for Reliability and  Thermodynamic Degradation Science - Physics of Failure Degradation Science: with Vibration, Thermal Fatigue, Accelerated Testing, and Reliability Applications (2020)

Dr. Alec Feinberg is the founder of DfRSoft. He has a Ph.D. in Physics and is the principal author of the book, Design for Reliability.  Alec has provided reliability engineering services in all areas of reliability and on numerous products in diverse industries that include solar, thin film power electronics, defense, microelectronics, aerospace, wireless electronics, and automotive electrical systems.  He has provided training classes in Design for Reliability & Quality, Shock and Vibration, HALT, Reliability Growth, Electrostatic Discharge, Dielectric Breakdown, DFMEA and Thermodynamic Reliability Engineering.  Alec has presented numerous technical papers and won the 2003 RAMS Alan O. Plait best tutorial award for the topic, “Thermodynamic Reliability Engineering.  Alec’s newest book is now in its second edition, Physics of Failure Degradation Science: with Vibration, Thermal Fatigue, Accelerated Testing, and Reliability Applications (2020).

Alec helps companies jump start their reliability programs, providing software that makes reliability test and analysis easier. Consulting services available include the following:
Reliability Test and Analysis
Reliability Analysis in all areas
Accelerated Testing
HALT Systems reliability analysis and modeling
Component derating analysis
Design FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis)
Corrosion analysis
Quality Statistics
Reliability Growth
Thermodynamic Modeling

Raleigh, NC
Dr. Andre Kleyner

Dr. Andre Kleyner

Dr. Andre Kleyner

Dr. Andre Kleyner


Andre Kleyner has over 30 years of engineering, research, consulting, and managerial experience specializing in reliability of electronic and mechanical systems designed to operate in severe environments.  He received the doctorate in Mechanical/Reliability Engineering from University of Maryland, and Master of Business Administration from Ball State University.  Dr. Kleyner was Global Reliability Engineering Leader with a major Tier 1 automotive supplier and now is a private consultant.  He is an ASQ Fellow, a certified reliability and quality engineer (CRE, CQE) and a Six Sigma Black Belt.  For many years Dr. Kleyner was a part time lecturer at Purdue University teaching systems engineering.  He holds several US and foreign patents and authored over 50 professional publications including three books on the topics of reliability, statistics and warranty management.  Andre Kleyner also is the editor of the Wiley Series in Quality and Reliability Engineering, technical book series published by John Wiley & Sons.


Dr. Jean-Paul Clech

Dr. Jean-Paul Clech

Instructor/Consultant: Lead-Free Solder Joint Reliability
Dr. Jean-Paul Clech

Dr. Jean-Paul Clech

Instructor/Consultant: Lead-Free Solder Joint Reliability

Dr. Jean-Paul Clech, founder and principal of EPSI Inc. (since 1995), is a materials / mechanical / electronic packaging engineer.  He consults in the areas of circuit board and surface component design and assembly, electronic packaging (SMT, BGA, CSP, Flip-Chip etc…), assembly quality and reliability, for clients across the electronics industry worldwide.  He also assists law firms in patent or product litigation cases.  Jean-Paul is the principal developer of the Solder Reliability Solutions (SRS) model and software for reliability assessment of SnPb electronic assemblies and has consulted on the design of small to large circuit boards and components in low to high reliability applications.  His current research interests are in harsh environments, lead-free properties and reliability, and flexing and vibration of circuit boards.   Jean-Paul previously was a member of technical staff and then consultant at AT&T Bell Laboratories (1985-90 and 1992-95).  He also worked as manager of electronic packaging at a super-computer start-up company in France (1990-92), with main responsibilities for electronic packaging and cooling of a multi-chip, multi-processor Central Processor Unit (CPU).

He received the Diplôme d’ Ingénieur (Materials Science major) from Ecole Centrale de Paris, France, in 1981 and  M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL., in 1982 and 1985, respectively.  He has authored over 45 papers and three book chapters, and has been a workshop instructor and invited speaker at corporations and various venues in Asia, Europe and North America.  He is an active member of ASME, IEEE, IMAPS, SMTA and TMS and serves as a reviewer of several of those societies’ technical journals.

In 2003, Jean-Paul received the Member of Distinction Award from the Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA).  In 2006, he was presented with the IPC’s Distinguished Committee Service award in appreciation and recognition of his contribution to the development of IPC-9701A, Performance Test Methods and Qualification Requirements for Surface Mount Solder Attachments.  In 2009, he was rated as a “Speaker of Distinction” by the technical program committee of the Surface Mount Technology Association International (SMTAI) Conference.  His 2009 SMTAI paper: “Closed form, strain energy based acceleration factors for thermal cycling of lead-free assemblies“, by J-P. Clech, Ph. D., Henshall, G., Ph. D. and Miremadi, J., presented with co-authors from the Hewlett-Packard Corporation at the 2009 SMTA International (SMTAI) conference, received the SMTAI Conference Best of Proceedings Award.

Montclair, New Jersey
John Lenss, CSP

John Lenss, CSP

John Lenss, CSP

John Lenss, CSP


John Lenss has worked with developing new products since 1985. Very early on in his career he was tasked with making sure the products he worked with were highly reliable. John has worked in many different industries from defense to medical devices; from power supplies, to digital signal processing. Mainly working on the microelectronics and software sides of the product, in a reliability/quality function.  John holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics and a Master’s Degree in Counseling.  He is a Senior Member of American Society for Quality.  John has taught courses on many different topics including, Lean Six Sigma tools, Fault Tree Analysis, process capability, HALT, HASS, HASA, FMEA, and FMECA to name a few. John has written test plans at the unit test and system test levels. He has written quality and reliability plans and developed systems to measure the effectiveness of product modifications in the field to monitor both quality and reliability. He is the author of numerous articles for publication and has written over 90 test plans plus he has spoken at dozens of national and international conferences.

Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Paschkewitz

John Paschkewitz

John Paschkewitz

John Paschkewitz


John Paschkewitz has over 45 years experience in product assurance, testing, reliability and sustaining engineering in several industries including hydraulic truck cranes and excavators, military and civil aircraft airframe and avionics, photocopiers, elevators and escalators, heaters, temperature sensors and controls. From a supplier perspective, this includes ensuring component reliability for customers in semiconductor equipment, medical device, commercial cooking equipment, and diesel emissions control industries.

He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in Engineering Professional Development from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and a M.A. in Business Management from Central Michigan University. He is a registered Professional Engineer and an ASQ Certified Reliability Engineer. He is a senior member of ASQ, and a member of SAE and ASME.

John has made presentations at the Applied Reliability Symposium in 2007, 2009, 2010, and 2011. at RAMS in 2014 and 2015, ASME IMECE (International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition) in 2011, and ASQ World Conference in 2013.

Areas of interest and expertise include:
– Reliability Requirements and Needs definition
– Integrating Reliability into Lean Product Development
– Verification and Validation planning and testing
– HALT and HASS applied to electronic, electrical and mechanical components
– Failure analysis methods and lab operation
– Reliability test lab planning and operation
– Design for reliability and GD3 (Good Design, Good Discussion, Good Dissection)
– Design Review based on Failure Modes / Design Review based on Test Results (DRBFM / DRBTR) tailored to the needs of different industries as a complement to or substitute for FMEA, particularly outside of the automotive and aerospace industries where requirements for FMEA are less structured.
– Sustaining engineering and evaluation of fielded products
– Application of reliability analysis software tools for Weibull and life data analysis, quantitative accelerated life test analysis, and design of experiments planning and analysis
– Practical approaches to quality, reliability and durability assurance

Arnold, MO
Prof. Abhijit Dasgupta

Prof. Abhijit Dasgupta

Instructor/Consultant: Physics of Failure, Reliability Physics: How to Field Reliable Products
Prof. Abhijit Dasgupta

Prof. Abhijit Dasgupta

Instructor/Consultant: Physics of Failure, Reliability Physics: How to Field Reliable Products

Abhijit Dasgupta, Jeong Kim Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland, has conducted over 35 years of research on Reliability Physics.  This research, sponsored by a consortium of leading electronics builders/users at the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE), focuses on industry-relevant projects in development and support of reliable, complex multi-functional systems that perform electronic, photonic, and mechanical functions.  He has consulted for many major electronics manufacturers, published over 300 journal articles and conference papers on these topics, presented over 40 short workshops nationally and internationally, served on the editorial boards of three different international journals, organized several national and international conferences, and received seven awards for his contributions in materials engineering research and education.  He is past Chair of ASME’s Electronics and Photonics Packaging Division and currently leads the Reliability Working Group in the Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap.  He has critically evaluated the use of HALT/HASS test methods and has presented Physics of Failure seminars and workshops at Hobbs Engineering since 1995.

College Park, Maryland
Prof. Douglas Montgomery

Prof. Douglas Montgomery

Instructor/Consultant: Design of Experiments
Prof. Douglas Montgomery

Prof. Douglas Montgomery

Instructor/Consultant: Design of Experiments

Dr. Montgomery is Regents’ Professor and the ASU Foundation Professor of Engineering, and a Member of the Committee on Statistics at Arizona State University. He held the John M. Fluke Distinguished Chair in Engineering, was the Director of Industrial Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Washington in Seattle. He was a Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He holds BSIE, MS and Ph.D. degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Professor Montgomery’s professional interests are in industrial statistics, including design of experiments, quality control, applications of linear models, and time series analysis and forecasting. He also has interests in operations research and statistical methods applied to modeling and analyzing manufacturing systems. He has lectured extensively throughout the Americas, Europe and the Far East.
Professor Montgomery is an author of thirteen textbooks that have appeared in over 35 English editions and numerous foreign languages, including Design and Analysis of Experiments, 7th edition (2009) and Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6th edition (2009). He has edited or coauthored seven other research books or edited volumes. His research papers have appeared in many journals.

Prof. Joseph Bernstein

Prof. Joseph Bernstein

Prof. Joseph Bernstein

Prof. Joseph Bernstein


Professor Joseph Bernstein is an expert in several areas of nano-scale micro-electronic device reliability and physics of failure; including packaging, system reliability modeling, gate oxide integrity, radiation effects, Flash NAND and NOR memory, SRAM and DRAM, MEMS and laser programmable metal interconnect.  He has licensed his own technology and consulted for RFID and SRAM applications related to fuse and redundancy and for programmable gate arrays and system-on-chip.

He directs the Laboratory for Failure Analysis and Reliability of Electronic Systems, teaches VLSI design courses and heads the VLSI program at Ariel University. His Laboratory is a center of research activity dedicated to serving the needs of manufacturers of highly reliable electronic systems using commercially available off the shelf parts. His latest project is to qualify COTS for satellite operation and works with the FIDES European reliability standards. His formulations have become integrated throughout much of the electronics industry. He lectures around the world, presenting his common-sense approach to reliability testing and reliability. He also closely works with both testing and reliability software companies.

Prof. Rong Pan

Prof. Rong Pan

Prof. Rong Pan

Prof. Rong Pan


Dr. Rong Pan is Professor of Industrial Engineering and Data Science in the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence (SCAI) at Arizona State University (ASU). He is the Program Chair of Data Science, Analytics, and Engineering (DSAE) program at ASU. His research interests include failure time data analysis, design of experiments, multivariate statistical process control, time series analysis, and computational Bayesian methods. His research has been supported by NSF, Arizona Science Foundation, Air Force Research Lab, etc. He has published over 90 journal papers and 50+ refereed conference papers. Dr. Pan is a senior member of ASQ, IIE, and IEEE, and a lifetime member of SRE. He currently serves as the Chair of ASQ Reliability and Risk Division and the Editor-elect of Journal of Quality Technology.

Steven Carlson

Steven Carlson

Instructor/Consultant: Cooling Techniques for Electronic Equipment, Preventing Thermal & Vibration Failures, Using Finite Element Analysis
Steven Carlson

Steven Carlson

Instructor/Consultant: Cooling Techniques for Electronic Equipment, Preventing Thermal & Vibration Failures, Using Finite Element Analysis

Steven Carlson has over 20 years of extensive experience in defense/aerospace industry dealing with design and analysis of electronic hardware with a strong understanding of thermal and structural analysis.  He is a Principal Engineer in Electronic Hardware Thermal / Structural analysis at Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  He has provided mechanical analysis consultant services to Northrop Grumman, Physical Optics Corporation, OE Waves, and multiple other electronics manufacturers for military and commercial applications.  Steve holds a Masters in Mechanical Engineering and currently works at JPL performing thermal and structural analyses on space based electronic hardware.

Steve learned the classical techniques for analyzing electronic hardware from Joel Sloan (author Design and Packaging of Electronic Equipment) who was a colleague of Dave Steinberg (author of multiple thermal and vibration analysis books) at Litton Guidance and Control Systems. Steve has expanded the classical techniques to include modern solid modeling and Finite Element Analysis to reduce analysis time, improve accuracy, and decrease product development time.

Los Angeles, California
Wayne Nelson

Wayne Nelson

Instructor/Consultant: Accelerated Test Data Analysis
Wayne Nelson

Wayne Nelson

Instructor/Consultant: Accelerated Test Data Analysis

Wayne Nelson consults on diverse applications of engineering data analysis to extract information that improves products. In addition to being a leading expert in the collection and analysis of product reliability data from field service, laboratory tests, and accelerated tests, Dr. Nelson is skilled in statistical analysis and modeling of data on measurement errors, and data from designed experiments and from samples from populations. At General Electric R&D from 1965 to 1989 and as a private consultant since, he has contributed to improving product performance and reliability in many industries including Aviation, Automotive, Electric Power, Medical Devices, Nuclear Power, Military Hardware, Railroad, Electronics, Microelectronics, Transportation, Materials, and Software. He is widely recognized for his innovative developments that solve nonstandard client applications. These developments appear in his three books and 130 literature articles. He also trains engineers on data analysis and works as an expert witness.

In recognition of his innovative developments for practical applications and his contributions to reliability education, he was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Amer. Society for Quality (ASQ), and the Amer. Statistical Assoc. (ASA). The ASQ awarded him the Shewhart Medal, Brumbaugh Award, Wilcoxon Prize, Youden Prize, and Shainin Medal. The IEEE Reliability Division awarded him its prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award.

Schenectady, New York
Wes Fulton MSME

Wes Fulton MSME

Wes Fulton MSME

Wes Fulton MSME


He is the founder and CEO of Fulton Findings LLC, and the author of SuperSMITH(R) software, the leading Weibull Engineering program. The latest release of this software is touch-screen capable designed to work with Windows 10 but also to be backward compatible with other recent Windows versions. SuperSMITH is the only software fully compatible with the global Weibull specification IEC-61649 and 100% compatible with the world standard Weibull handbook by Dr. Robert B. Abernethy (Dr. Bob). Most material for this Weibull plotting class was originally developed by Dr. Bob, who was the head of supportability with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Engines for decades. Dr. Bob’s Weibull handbook is the seminar reference. Another publication provided with this session is the software tutorial booklet, “PlayTIME(R) with SuperSMITH DEMO”.

Wes released the first widely-used Weibull plotting software in 1987. He has presented PRIVATE Weibull Workshops for the U.S. military, the FAA, the DOT, NASA, JPL, and over a hundred companies around the world. He has presented PUBLIC Weibull Workshops for the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), for the University of Tennessee, for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), for the American Society for Quality (ASQ), for the Reliability Information and Analysis Center (RiAC), and for Quanterion.

He has over 16 years of experience as program engineer in the aerospace and nuclear industries focused on design, testing, fabrication, and customer service. Working at AiResearch Manufacturing Company, Wes was the responsible engineer for such programs as the F-16 fighter leading edge flap drive system, the IDF Taiwanese fighter leading edge flap drive system, the experimental X-31A leading edge flap drive system, and the 747 ride comfort control. While at AiResearch, he co-patented a multi-fusible shaft high-performance drive-train device.

Los Angeles, California