Why Uniformity and Repeatability of Stimulation is Not Essential to HALT & HASS by Dr. Gregg Hobbs
Introduction It is generally thought that uniformity and repeatability are essential to vibration and temperature screening and other testing activities. It has been found by the author that neither uniformity nor repeatability of vibration nor thermal profile is...
Pitfalls to Avoid in HALT and HASS by Gregg K. Hobbs, Ph.D., P.E.
Much has been written on what to do in HALT and HASS. What not to do should also be discussed in order to enforce the positive. Some of the most commonly occurring mistakes will be discussed and it will be pointed out why each is a mistake. The mistake is first stated...
INTRODUCTION HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Tests) is a method aimed at discovering and then improving weak links in the product in the design phase. HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screens) is a means of finding and fixing process flaws during production. Both...
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Product Development by John Lenss
Presented at ARTS 2000 In product development today, one question that always seems to come up is "how are we going to get our products to market quicker and still not sacrifice quality"? At least I like to think everyone adds the second caveat. In this paper I hope...
Evolution of HALT & HASS on Aerospace Programs by Aldo Fucinari
Abstract: Recent high profile failures of avionics Lithium Ion battery systems and concentration on reduced design cycles seems to imply that there are still failure rates in aerospace programs. This paper is based on another written by Dr. Gregg Hobbs (the inventor...
Crossover Effect & Why It Prevails by Dr. Gregg K. Hobbs
The Crossover Effect and Why It Prevails By Gregg K. Hobbs, Ph.D., P.E. Copyright August 2003 The Crossover Effect has been included in my seminar since 1989, but a clarification as to why the effect is so pronounced has only recently been advanced. It has been known...