Prof. Abhijit Dasgupta

Prof. Abhijit Dasgupta

Instructor/Consultant: Physics of Failure

Abhijit Dasgupta, Jeong Kim Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland, has conducted over 35 years of research on Reliability Physics.  This research, sponsored by a consortium of leading electronics builders/users at the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE), focuses on industry-relevant projects in development and support of reliable, complex multi-functional systems that perform electronic, photonic, and mechanical functions.  He has consulted for many major electronics manufacturers, published over 300 journal articles and conference papers on these topics, presented over 40 short workshops nationally and internationally, served on the editorial boards of three different international journals, organized several national and international conferences, and received seven awards for his contributions in materials engineering research and education.  He is past Chair of ASME’s Electronics and Photonics Packaging Division and currently leads the Reliability Working Group in the Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap.  He has critically evaluated the use of HALT/HASS test methods and has presented Physics of Failure seminars and workshops at Hobbs Engineering since 1995.

College Park, Maryland