Dr. Andre Kleyner
Andre Kleyner has over 30 years of engineering, research, consulting, and managerial experience specializing in reliability of electronic and mechanical systems designed to operate in severe environments. He received the doctorate in Mechanical/Reliability Engineering from University of Maryland, and Master of Business Administration from Ball State University. Dr. Kleyner was Global Reliability Engineering Leader with a major Tier 1 automotive supplier and now is a private consultant. He is an ASQ Fellow, a certified reliability and quality engineer (CRE, CQE) and a Six Sigma Black Belt. For many years Dr. Kleyner was a part time lecturer at Purdue University teaching systems engineering. He holds several US and foreign patents and authored over 50 professional publications including three books on the topics of reliability, statistics and warranty management. Andre Kleyner also is the editor of the Wiley Series in Quality and Reliability Engineering, technical book series published by John Wiley & Sons.
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