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Common Sense on Reliability Engineering by Albertyn Barnard Cost $150 per person 1.5 hours

“Unfortunately, the development of quality & reliability engineering has been afflicted with more nonsense than any other branch of engineering.”  PDT O’Connor

Using a common sense approach, reliability can be defined as the absence of failures in products.  This viewpoint implies that reliability engineering should focus on prevention of failure during development and production and not on correction of failure during operations.  Failure prevention can be pursued by using specific Analysis and Test activities, which should be selected for their ability to identify and to eliminate both design and process deficiencies.

This webinar provides some detail on the integration of reliability engineering into product development, with emphasis on both failure analyses (e.g. design FMEA) and engineering analyses (e.g. derating analysis), as well as on reliability testing (e.g. HALT & HASS).  It explains why reliability engineering as discipline often fails (incorrect activities, incorrect people and incorrect timing), why prediction based on fundamentally flawed assumptions should not be used, why reliability should not be delegated to maintenance or logistics, and concludes with examples of good reliability engineering practices used by successful companies.

 Albertyn Barnard received the degrees M Eng (Electronics) and M Eng (Engineering Management) from the University of Pretoria, South Africa.  He has provided consulting services in reliability engineering to the defence, nuclear, aerospace and commercial industries since 1982.  He won the Best Paper Award at the 2004 INCOSE SA conference in Pretoria, South Africa, as well as the Gold Award at the 2009 International Applied Reliability Symposium in Barcelona, Spain.  He served as President of INCOSE SA in 2008, and established the first commercial HALT laboratory in South Africa.

To purchase this webinar contact with link above or call 303 655 3051.